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Coded For Love
Coded For Love
It wasn't until recently that I realized there is more than then one kind of love. I used to drive my-self crazy trying to figure out how I could be in love with my Gf (Girl friend). Well, I've finally gotten it figure it out. You see, there are different kinds of love. For example, there is love, as in family; love, as in best friends; love, as in first love; love, as in being excited about something; love, as in Crush; and love, as in infatuation, to name just a few.As I see, these different kinds of love are divided into three categories:

Category 1: - Obligator¥ love
Love For Family: This sounds simple enough, but it's really very complicated. Everybody in your family is different, & they each want individual things. And, as I'm sure you've learned by now, their motivation for getting them varies. You have to figure out each person in your family you're going to make the most of family love or else these people will get on your nerves. I've also discovered that you never really know how much you love each of the members of your family--especially your Mom & Dad until you are away for a long trip & get a chance to be lonely. Thats when you realize you love them and need their love way more than you think you do.

Love For Best Friends: You really have to step out of the line & go out the distance for your friends. Being on the outs with your best friends hurt about as much as breaking up with a girl friend. So you really have to learn how to be fair, listen a lot & be willing to let this person in on things you normally would'nt tell someone else. I could never have made it this long without my best friend; I could not even imagine my life without her! She's the one person who helps me survive from Monday through Friday, lets me know what others are thinking about me, covers my back and clues me in on thing should I happen to miss something. Best of all, she is the person who opens her hearts to me whenever I need it. (Love for regular friends in not the same as love for the Best friend whether they are the same sex as you or not.)
Note: its important not to accidentally fall in love with one of your girl friends, because why waste a good friendship? In the end, while every now and then you hear where the relationship turns into true love, mostly you'll find that you were only meant to love this person as a good friend.

Love, as in being excited about something: Everyones most likely been in love with something. For instance, I love to dance. I dream of dancing in front of stage at the next BSB Backstreet Boys concert because I love the Backstreet boys music. I'll be dancing in my new platforms, because I love them too. (You get the idea.)

Category 2: Definitely Love (or sure feels like it)
Childish love: Who can ever forget that? You all know about it so I wont go on and write about it¦
First love: Now this is the most unforgettable love there is. You could fall in love a hundred plus times, and yet never, ever experience that wonderful feeling of a first love. When you've experienced love for the first time, you've been irrevocably changed! From that moment on, "love" is never an option, its a must, an absolute necessity like air or water. First love is the one you spend countless hours on the phone with even when there is nothing to say. This is the person you are absolutely, positively forever sure that your life will never be the same without. This is also the one who leaves you with a horrible empty feeling when she breaks off things with you (or vise versa).

Love, as in Crush: Tell me you have never had a crush on someone! A glance, a fleeting smile and suddenly: shes the one! Now you look forward to going to school, and when shes in the nearby vicinity, you giggle, laugh and basically act like the guy who profess to be in love AND even though you once promised yourself you'd never act so dumb. And, of course, you now have to keep tabs on all the girls around, in case they decide they have a crush on your Mrs. Potential-For-A-First-Kiss. You spend hours drooling over that person, doodling her initials next to yours on paper, and you spend your nights dreaming about her. But eventually you learn it was and always will be just a crush. Nothing more.

Love, as Geographically Undesirable (GU): Will she ever be mine? You not try to fall for her because she lives so far away, goes to a rival school or is pierced in the wrong places, but you can't help it. In your eyes, whats keeping you two from being the next Romeo & Juliet is only a matter of time, space and perspective. All & all, this love is pretty much Ill-fated & never becomes anything more than just a prolonged crush. Except its easier on your heart when you realize its over.

Love, as an Infatuation: Ohmygosh! Hes so hot! It's that one with the trendy hair, great eyes, a killer smiles, the guy that finally gets your Digits. The star football player asks you, YES YOU, out. Then you realize you've spent all this time admiring the football star and never taken time out to meet the real him. Unfortunately, he is hardly ever the guy you thought he would be. For such a winner on the football field, he doesn't score many points when it comes to loving you as much as he loves himself nor for spending as much time with you as he does with football and his friends. But you are so in love with his exterior that its not until your best friend smacks you up side the head and makes you realize hes no good for you, that you grudgingly dump him. (After all, being seen with him has its perks.)
Note: another warning, while on this subject, its also important to be aware that youll probably stay a little with a guy in this category than you should.

Category 3: True Love
Love, as in True Love: True love is the one you live for, the one thank your lucky star for. It is what almost every person in the world seeks in life. True love makes an already complete person even more complete. True love is destined, fated, meant to be.
Note: a few of the other loves might also inspire such artistic tributes, (such as: poets, musicians, artist are moved to create masterpieces) so you cannt count on this alone to prove that you have found true love.

So you see, love truly is a complicated feeling, no matter which category or what kind it is. The thing is, we humans are probably just coded for love. And thats why if you don't get it right the first time, you just keep trying until you find the category thats best for you at the time. You just keep working your way through the list. So if you don't get it right, you need to just decide to overcome your heartaches and give love another chance somewhere else, somehow, with someone-- &, of course, hopefully it begins with feeling love for themselves. So never give up on hope and keep on trying until you found your DREAM.

Nice girl---out there
U come in to my life
Accepting me for who I am
Liking every thing about me
Cheering me up when Im feeling down
Giving me courage to go for the distance
Helping me when I need it
Becoming my faith in love

You are a nice girl out there
One day we shall find each other
Until u come in my life
You remain
Love is ...--->
Being happy for the other person
When they are happy
Being sad for the person
When they are sad
Being together in good times
Being together in bad times
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Strength]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
Being honest with yourself all the time
Telling, listening, respecting the truth
And never pretending
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Reality]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
An understanding that is so complete that
You feel as if you are a part of the other person
Accepting the other person just the way they are
And not trying to change them to be something else
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Unity]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Future]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
Knowing that the others person
Will always be with you regardless of what
Happens, missing the other person when they
Are away, but remaining near your heart
All the time
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Security]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
The fury of the Strom
The calm of the Rainbow
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Passion]·._.·´¯)

Love is ...--->
Giving and taking in a daily situation
Being patient with each others need and desires
(¯`·._.·[Love is the source of Sharing]·._.·´¯)

Confidence, dedication, pride & desire.

×÷·.·´¯`·)» Confidence«(·´¯`·.·÷×
An ingredient that helps you makes you whole;
An attribute that forms from within your soul,
Confidence comes from goals completed with pride,
As results in a good feeling, which stirs around inside.

¯¨'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*' Pride ¯¨'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*'
An ingredient that brings out the best of who you are;
And makes you keep on reaching for your highest star.
Pride comes with mentoring, coaching and good teaching,
And results in attaining goals that are worth reaching.

,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸-(_ Dedication _)-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸
An ingredient that helps you preserve when things get rough;
But with it you'll finish first, so hang in there and be tough.
Dedication leads the way in these goals called excellence,
And results in your arriving at the place known as success.

Oº°‘¨`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._. ·Desire `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·¨‘°ºO
An ingredient we call motivation,
Going for the gold, being a sensation.
It's doing a lot and wanting it all,
It's seeing a challenge and answering its call.

So when you tired, feeling as if you can't take it,
Tell yourself that you can do it, and know you can make it.
Youâ're a teenager now, climbing higher and higher,
Just hold on to confidence, dedication, pride and desire.

All of these are signs that you are your own friend,
That you care for who you are and will do so till the end,
A friend with desire, dedication, confidence and pride,
One who knows that all these things begin on the inside!

i think about of you all the time
T thinks of you every single night
Thoughts of you flood my days with light

Everyday my heart grows fonder
Even so, I have to wonder
Is this true? Is this real?
I can't control the way I feel.
I've ridden my bike down your street
Hoping just by chance we'd meet
How can I make you clearly see
How I feel about you and me?

I'd love to hold you, oh so near,
And softly whisper in your ears
Can we hug? Or take a walk?
Go on a date? Or just go walk?
Can I kiss? Can I call?

Say yes, & I'd give you my all
The pain I feel when you we're apart
I'll tell you now, it breaks my heart.

????????????????? you my mind.
I think about u all the time.
I dream of you every single night,
I love you, so love me, too, all right?

hava a nice day